

Well, he finally did it. After talking about it for months, Dylan finally got up the courage to cut his hair. Here's how he looked before:

He had about 15 inches cut off, and donated it to locks of love:

And here's how he looks now: (Drumroll.........)

Way to go Dylan! You look awesome!!


Kim said...

Oh, my goodness. He looks awesome. I love it!

Nan said...

He is going to feel so much better this summer, without all that hair. Hmmm. maybe I should think about getting a haircut. It looks really good.

Kathy Hurst said...

Dylan, You look so much older and wiser. I can't wait to see you in person.

Danelle said...

Purrrrrrr tiny kitten.

I don't know where that saying comes from, but I may have learned it from Lauren. Anyway, it means that I like it. Are those little curls natural? From hippy to hip? Is that appropriate to say?

Locks of Love Rocks!

Jen said...

Yes, natural curl. He gets it from his pappy, the lucky dude!

Danelle said...

I forgot to mention that it is awesome how his new cut accentuates his adorable dimples.

I should have realized the curls were natural...duh.

Lucinda said...

Lookin' good, Dylan! I said I was going to cut my hair a while ago and haven't gotten around to it...now I think I'll wait until it's long enough to donate.
What do you think of your new haircut?

Jen said...

He loves the new cut. He was really nervous to do it, but is now really happy with it.