
How Does Our Garden Grow, July Edition

Well, It's been a month and a half since we created our new garden space and planted a garden. We've been eating lettuce, peas, green onions and zucchini already, with lots more coming along beautifully. Here's how it looks today:


Kim said...

It looks so pretty and orderly. Mine looks like Attack of the Killer Tomatoes. Or, more appropriately, Attack of the Killer Weeds.

Danelle said...


Lucinda said...

I'm so jealous of your success! We planted a garden, but its feeble efforts have yielded us about 6 pods of peas and a bunch of pea-sized radishes. Are those pumpkin blossoms, or more zucchini? Looks like you could have quite a jack-o-lantern display come fall.

Jen said...

We have a gi-normous pumpkin growing!