
I've Been Tagged (and so has Dylan)

So I've been tagged...

Apparently this means I have to say 7 random things about myself...

1. I love guacamole
2. I have a stupid human trick involving the pinky finger of my left hand
3. I think Barak Obama is going to save the world
4. I hate the sound of people eating
5. I refuse to order a "venti" coffee. If they can't figure out what I mean by "large" then heaven help them, cause I can't.
6. I've lost 40 pounds in the last 6 months, but I still have a big bum
7. I just turned 35.

Ta Da!!! Now who in the heck am I going to tag? Dylan is still thinking on his.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Okay, you're gonna love this. The background you chose? I chose it first. My blog looked like this for 10 minutes before I decided to go with Christmas. Spooky.

Can't wait to see Dylan's!