
Our trip to Navajo Dam

Well, we had intended to visit the Grand Canyon this weekend for Dylan's birthday, but due to several glitches, we didn't make it. So today we decided to grab the boat and head out to Navajo Dam. It was a beautiful day, and we had a fabulous time. Lauren just finished making the boat a couple of weeks ago, and I'd never had the pleasure of riding in it until today. (The boys had taken it out fishing, but I was flower shopping with Kim and Mom, so I didn't go). So we swam, cruised around in the boat, and soaked in the sun today. And even though we had been disappointed to not make it to the Grand Canyon, this was one of the most relaxing and enjoyable days we've had in a long time. Sometimes flying by the seat of your pants beats all.


Anonymous said...

that looks like it was a lot of fun. I cant wait to try out that boat! :)

Worthy said...

That looks like a good time! I really like the picture of Riley jumping from the boat.